Hello, friends and fellow music lovers!
Our Sounds of Music program was conceived with the intent of providing a platform to share in music through participation and listening together as well as to encourage conversation, share musical memories and experiences.
For your interest, we offer here a brief survey of additional online music programs available on the internet.
We encourage you to share information about other programs you feel might be of special interest.
Daniel’s Music Virtual Community – New York, NY
Daniel’s Music Foundation is a thriving music center in New York City that offers musical activities and lessons for individuals with handicaps from age three through adult. In March 2020, they were able to shift to an online, virtual environment almost immediately. They are equipped with their own music studios and state-of-the-art equipment, but it was only after the COVID-19 pandemic that the Foundation began to understand the power and value of online programs. They describe themselves as “A place where individuals of all abilities can learn, connect and celebrate the joy of music together.”
Fred Miller’s Lectures in Song – Sergeantsville, NJ
In his capacity as a singer, entertainer, lecturer, sage, and raconteur, Fred performs at various venues – libraries, community groups, retirement facilities—60-75-minute theme-based musical programs specializing in American Popular Song’s Golden Age. From the piano, he performs, lectures, and offers insights into the material. Several dozen previews are available on YouTube, and, on occasion, he offers free online programs from a base at the Hunterdon Public Library.
Music for Seniors – Nashville and Knoxville, TN
Founded by a musician, singer, and songwriter in 2007, “Music for Seniors connects area musicians with older adults through live and interactive music programs designed to engage and educate seniors, promoting health, wellbeing, reducing isolation, and enriching the lives of all participants.” Described as a “vibrant participant in the creative aging movement,” emphasis is placed on each individual’s ability to participate in the arts and every older adult’s right “to have access to and participate in the very best entertaining, engaging and educational live music programming that the musicians in their city, town or community have to offer.”
Music Mends Minds: Restoring the Rhythm of Life – Los Angeles, CA
Music Mends Minds is a nonprofit organization with a strong therapeutic focus that creates musical support groups for individuals with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, traumatic brain injury, PTSD, and other neurological disorders. It uses music “to help elders cope with neurogenerative diseases across the globe.” Global online singalong sessions are conducted through Zoom every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11:30 am – 12:30 pm. A board-certified music therapist leads each session in song.
The Sofa Singers – North Wales, UK
Hundreds of people from all over the world join together in real-time for 45 minutes of simultaneous singing twice a week on Zoom, led and directed by James Sills. Sills successfully circumvents the latency problem for simultaneous choral participation by providing an upfront invitation and explanation for his format: “The Sofa Singers encourages you to sing as if no one is listening because they won’t be. Due to latency (delay) it is not possible to synchronise and hear all of the singers at the same time. But you will be able to see each other so sing with a smile… Afterwards, there’s a virtual tea break followed by some open floor slots where individuals can say hello and share a song, a poem or a story.”
SingFit – Los Angeles, CA
SingFit describes itself as “a technology platform that dramatically expands the ability of people to access the proven benefits of therapeutic music to improve their health.” It targets caregivers and healthcare professionals to bring music as medicine to those who are at risk of cognitive decline.
The Sunshine Link: Recorded Activities for Senior-Care – Toronto, Canada
Created by MIYA Music Therapy, the Sunshine link describes its primary goal as providing “activity professionals and senior-care homes with high-quality, meaningful, and engaging recorded activities,” as well as enriching the lives of seniors, and reducing isolation.
JB Music Therapy – Calgary, Canada
This service offers online music therapy for those with mobility issues, and those outside the Calgary area. “JB Music Therapy is a team of certified Music Therapists (MTAs) who collaborate, design and personalize therapy plans with their clients that will foster desired change: boost mood, decrease stress, improve speech after injury, increase focus, develop learning, reduce anxiety, and recover lost memories.”